






7th B.C.E.



泰利斯(Thales,約624-546 B.C.):宇宙的起源是水

※瑣羅亞斯德Zoroaster,約6-7th B.C.,波斯祆教

※孔子Confucius551-479 B.C.



















5th B.C.E





柏拉圖(Plato427-347 B.C.):理想國、理型論、不朽論、宇宙生成論

亞里士多德(Aristotle384-321 B.C.):


具體的共相(Concrete Universals):人思想中共同擁有的概念,,成為認知觀念基礎。

上帝(Theos):第一不動者(The first unmoved mover)作為哲學的上帝。



犬儒學派 (Cynics4BCE~6CE):安提西尼(Antisthene s)和西諾佩的第歐根尼(Diogenes)。自然的簡樸生活,擯棄一切社會習俗。影響斯多葛哲學。
















1st C.E.

耶穌基督 (Jesus Christ)


*Council of Jerusalem  (48 or 49)




Clement I, St  ( ~96~ ) Rome

    Apostolic Fathers (使徒後期教父), and the Bishop of Rome

    1 Clement, letters sent to Corinthian Church

    2 Clement, homiletic articles



    Apostolic Fathers

    Epistle of Barnabas



    Apostolic Fathers

    Shepherd, Apocalyptic Literature


Ignatius (35~107)

    Apostolic Fathers and Bishop Antioch


Papias (60~130)

    Apostolic Fathers and Bishop


Polycarp  (69~155)

    Apostolic Fathers and Bishop Smyrna

    Martyrdom of Polycarp,




2nd C.E.

Aristides  (~125~)

    An apologist,



Justin (Martyr), St  (100-165) Rome

    An apologist, was beheaded in Rome in 165

    Created a formula of Trinity, God is sun and Christ is sunshine

    but Christ is not equal to God, is under God

    Dialogue with Trypho, to controvert with Jewish

    First Apology, gave a explanation to Roman Empire King, Antoninus Pius, for Christianity in 155

    Second Apology, gave a explanation to Roman Empire King, Marcus Aurelius, for Christianity in 161

    Greatly Influenced Irenaeus and Tertullian


Ebionism or Ebionites  (2th) Jewish Christian Community

    Advocate Asceticism, follow the Law. Also called “The denomination of Poor”

    Christology: deny the divine nature in Christ. Christ is a complete human


Tatian  (~160~)

    An apologist, a Justin’s student

    Discourse to the Greeks


Athenagoras  (~177~)

    An apologist



Theophilus  (~180~) Antioch

    An apologist, Bishop Antioch



Irenaeus, St  (130-200) Lyons

    Bishop Lyons (in Today’s France), and the Tertullian’s teacher

    Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching, and Against Heresies

    The first writer to speak unequivocally of the “New” Testament


Clement of Alexandria  (150-215) Alexandrian School

    Hellenic Theologian and the principal of Alexandria Doctrine School

    Origen’s Teacher

    Ran away to Palestine because of persecution after 203


Tertullian, Quintus Septimius Florens  (160-220) Carthage

    The last Hellenic Apologist and the first Latin Father

    The first person who written theological articles by Latin

    The creator of the Trinity’s theory, called Economic Trinity in modern theologians

    One of leaders of Montanism for opposing the secularized Catholic Church

    Against Marcion, and Against Praxeas, The Trinity’s theory


Hippolytus  (170~236) Rome

    Bishop Rome, and was exiled by Maximin 

    The commentary of Daniel, the first orthodox Bible commentary book in Christianity history

    The Apostolic Tradition, recorded various rituals, including baptism and Eucharist


Origen  (185~254)  Alexandrian School

    A ascetic, and a master of Spiritulity, Persecution and Martyrdom in Decius, a Roman king

    A leader of allegorical interpreting Bible,

    Advocated Subordinationism, Christ and Holy Spirit is subordinate to God

Thought influenced by Neo- Platonism

    Hexapla, six Bible versions, Hebrew, Septuagint, Greek sound(希臘音譯本), Aquila,  Symmachus, and Theodotion, in this book

    On First Principles, Against Celsus, On Prayer and Exhortation to Martyrdom

    Condemned by Catholic Church for some of his thoughts, including, Origin of Soul, and  Universalism (普救主義), in 5th Catholic Council at Constantine in 553



3rd C.E.

Cyprian, St.  (200~258) Carthage

    Bishop Carthage, Martyr


Novatian  (210~280 ) Roman

    A Roman theologian


Arius  (250~336) Alexandria

    The creator of Arianism, and an elder of Alexandrian Church

    Advocated anomoios (非同質Homoous同質), Jesus is not equal to Holy Father

Was expelled from church for his theological thoughts in 321

    Many Christians support him and cause radical controversy between two groups

    Nicene Council was convened for solving this controversy in 325. Thereby the definition of trinity, which God, Christ, and Spirit are equal, be established firmly in this council


Athanasius, St  (297~373Alexandria

    Bishop Alexandria, and the leader of opposing to Arianism, and a homoousian

Life of Antony, a biography of St. Anthony

    Against the Arians, and On the Incarnation, and Letters Concerning the Holy Spirit


Didymus, the Blind  ( ~398) Alexandrian School

    A Origen’s student, supported for Origen so condemned in 5th Catholic Council at Constantine in 553 with Origen




4th C.E.

*Council of Nicene  (325) The First Ecumenical Council


Apollinarius of Laodicea  (310~390) Laodicea

    Reject the idea that a human mind is in Jesus

    A leader of Apollinarianism


Victorinus  (~335~)

    A Neo-Platonic philosopher converted to be a Christian in 335

    God as essentially concrete and active and eternally in motion

    God is possessing threes powers: being, living, and understanding

    Three Persons is only one substance, one will and life, one knowledge

    The circuminsession or mutual indwelling of Persons  (ref. Kelly p.247, Ch9, Sec.6.)

    His idea impact Augustine


Basil of Caesarea, the Great  (329~379) Caesarea, the capital of Cappadocia

    The leader of three Cappadocian Fathers, who support Nicene Creed and opposed Arians

    The Bishop Caesarea,

    Against Eunomius, and On the Holy Spirit


Gregory of Nazianzus329~390Caesarea, the capital of Cappadocia

    The second of three Cappadocian Fathers, support Nicene Creed and opposed Arians


Gregory of Nyssa 335~395

    The third of three Cappadocian Fathers, and the younger brither of Basil of Caesarea


Ambrose  (339-397) Italy, Bishop of Milan

    One of the four greatest theologians (Gregory the Great, Jerome, Augustine) in Christianity

    Influence Augustine to convert to Christianity

    Against Arianism

The first one who convey the ideas of Transubstantiation in Eucharist and original sin from Adam

    On the Faith, and On the Holy Spirit


* Dedication Council  (341) Antioch

    The second Creed of Antioch (ref. Kelly p.247, Ch9, Sec.6.)


Diodore of Tarsus  (330~394) Antiochene School

    A founder of Antiochene School, which opposite against Alexander School on Christology


Jerome  (347~ 420)

    One of the four greatest theologians (Gregory the Great, Ambrose, Augustine) in Christianity

  Eastern Father (Roman Church)

    Vulgate (Latin Bible Version: Revised from Old Latin Bible Version)

    Advocate celibacy and Asceticism

    Became a figure, a red clothes bishop and a lion under his feet, painted on the windows of  church after 13th century


Theodore of Mopsuestia  (350428) Antiochene School

    A student of Diodore of Tarsus, A founder of Antiochene School


Augustine, St.  (354-430) North Africa, Bishop of Hippo


    One of the four greatest theologians (Gregory the Great, Ambrose, Jerome) in Christianity

    Give the Western tradition its mature and final expression

    His principle: The faith must precede understanding, Anselm follow this priciple

    Trinitarian Orthodoxy:

1. Divine nature should be express in the singular

     2. Three Persons in one essence or substance

     3. The distinction of three Persons is grounded in their mutual relation within in the Godhead

     4. The three Persons are real and subsistent relation

     5. The Spirit is the spirit of Father and son

     6. The spirit is the mutual love of Father and Son, the consubstantial bond which unites Father and Son

     7. Both Son and Spirit are from Father. It does mean that God has two sons, because Son is begotten and Spirit proceeds.

    Human Condition and God’s Grace

1. Human have original sin transmitted from Adam through their parents

     2. Human, except Adam and Eve, do not have ability and freedom to choose good or do good work without God’s grace

     3. God know who will accept his grace of salvation in advance; then God give him/her the grace that they cannot reject. It means that God’s grace will not in vain in salvation.

4. Because of the God’s grace, human can choose to accept God’s grace. Therefore, human do not have attribution on the salvation

     5. God has mercy to those whom He wishes to save by His own will. Beside His mercy, no one can be saved by oneself or other ways. This is Augustine’s Predestination and Fatalism.


*The council of Alexandria  (362)

    The next year of the death of Constantius, An Eastern emperor and an Arian

    The detent between West and East Church

    Chair of the council: Athanasius

    The Spirit status become an urgent issue


Pelagius  (370~440)

    The leader of Pelagianism

    Human have not original sin transmitted from Adam or their parents

    Human have ability and freedom to choose good or evil and to do good work or evil one

    Human have attribution on the salvation                             


Cyril of Alexandria  (376~444) Alexandria

    A student of Athanasius and an Alexandrian theologian

    Write Twelve Anathemas against Nestorius

    Christology: Divinity and humanity united in one nature, two natures cannot be distinguished.


*First Council of Constantinople  (381) The Second Ecumenical Council




5th C.E.

Nestorius  (428451) Antioch

    A student of Antiochene School.

He was condemned as heresy for his Christology, called Nestorianism


*First Council of Ephesus  (431) The Third Ecumenical Council

Two natures in one person and hypostasis

Canonize the Nicene creed as enshrining the core of Christology

Support Cyril and condemn Nestorious,


*Second Council of Ephesus  (449) Robber Synod or Brigandage

    The case of Eutyches

One nature in Christ



*Council of Chalcedon  (451) The Fourth Ecumenical Council

    Two natures in one person and hypostasis

Chalcedonian decree as a principle of Christology


※中古時代(Medieval Era),思想中心由希臘時期的「人」轉移到「神」。發展以「神」或「教會」為中心的神哲學思想觀。以教主政。




6th C.E.

Gregory the Great  (540~603)

    One of the four greatest theologians (Ambrose, Jerome, Sugustine) in Christianity


*Second Council of Constantinople  (553) The Fifth Ecumenical Council


Augustine of Canterbury, St  (~604)

    A monk of a Benedict’s monastery

    Be sent by Gregory the Great to England as a leader of 40 missionaries’ team

    The king of Kent and The king’s people convert to Christian by His preaching



7th C.E.

*Third Council of Constantinople  (680) The Sixth Ecumenical Council


※7th 伊斯蘭Islam教




8th C.E.

*Second Council of Nicene  (787)



9th C.E.

*Fourth Council of Constantinople  (870)


*Fifth Council of Constantinople  (880)



10th C.E.



11th C.E.

Anselm  (1033-1109) Archbishop of Canterbury

    His principal contribution to the development of philosophical theology

    Why God Became Human (Cur Deus Homo), written in a dialogic style

    The definition of GodGod is that which nothing greater can be conceived

    Sin is that a person takes away honor due to God. The work of Christ is to make satisfactory payment to God and is to restore God’s honor that has been taken away by humans







12th C.E.
(scholasticism) 12-14世紀。由西方教會發展出來的哲學思想。用亞里斯多德哲學觀念及聖奧古斯丁神學觀所融合的神哲學方法。







13th C.E.
Thomas Aquinas








14-15th C.E. 







15th基督教分裂為希臘正教Greek Orthodox Church與羅馬公教Roman Catholic Church




16th C.E.
宗教改革 (Reformation)

馬丁路德(Martin Luther,德1483-1546

加爾文(John Calvin,瑞1509-1564






17-18th C.E.

哥白尼(N. Copernicus):太陽中心

牛頓(Isaac Newton,英1642-1727):運動定律

培根(F. Bacon):歸納法


※莎士比亞(W. Shakespeare,英)

※巴洛克時期(Baroque Period1600-1750):巴哈(1685-1750)、韓德爾(1685-1759



霍布斯(T. Hobbes):國家巨靈利維坦

洛克(J. Locke,英)認識論、自由主義


巴斯卡(Blasé Pascal1626-62



孟德斯鳩(C. L. Montesquieu,法):三權分立


盧梭(J. J. Rousseau,法):社會契約論Social Contract


※古典時期(1750-1820):莫札特(W. A. Mozart



笛卡爾(René Descartes,法1596-1650):近代哲學之父、我思故我在Cogito, ergo sum

天生觀念Innate ideas

史賓諾莎(Baruch Spinoza,猶1632-77

萊布尼茲(C. S. Leibniz1646-1716



經驗主義(Empiricism):洛克(J. Locke,英)


休謨(David Hume,英1711-1776



康德(Immanual Kant,德1724-1804

菲希特(J. G. Fichte,德1762-1814


意志哲學:叔本華(A. Schopenhauer,德1788-1860):生存意志The Will to Live





海德格(Martin Heidegger,1884~1976


呂克爾(Paul Ricoeur,1913~  ) 


浪漫主義(Romanticism):歌德(J. W. Goethe1749-1832)、拜倫、雪萊、

貝多芬(L. Beethoven1770-1872







19th C.E.


辨證哲學(Dialectic):黑格爾(G. W. F. Hegel,德1770-1831)唯心論、正反合


自然主義:馬克斯(Karl Marx,德猶1818-1883





社會主義(Socialism):聖西門(Saint-Simon,法)、傅立葉(M. C. Fourier,法)、

歐文(R. Owen,英):強調社會整體利益,去除資產階級的弊病。



馬克思Karl Marx1818-83)異化Alienation、唯物論、階級鬥爭、共產宣言Communist Manifesto

恩格斯(F. Engels1820-85





虛無主義 (Anihilism)




尼釆F.W.Nietzsche,1844~1900):權力意志The Will to Power、超人Overman

雅斯培(Karl Jaspers,1883~1969

田立克(Paul Tillich,1886~1965







海德格(Martin Heidegger,1884~1976



語言分析哲學:維根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein,1889~1951


符號哲學:卡勒西(E. Cassirer,德猶1874-1945


實證主義:孔德(A. Comte,法)


實用主義(Pragmatism):詹姆士(W. James,美1842-1910)、杜威(J. Dewey,美1859-1952



功利主義(Utilitarianism):邊沁(J. Bentham,英1748-1832)、彌爾(J. S. Mill,英1806-73





20th C.E.


佛洛伊德S. Freud,奧猶1865-19391900出版「夢的解析」,被喻為改變歷史的書

榮格(C. Jung,瑞)集體潛意識

完型心理學派(Gestalt Psychology



李維史托(Claude Levi-Strauss,1908~ )

拉岡(Jacques Lacan,1901~1980

羅蘭巴特(Roland Barthes,1915~1980

阿圖塞(Louis Althusser,1918~  )



李歐塔(Jean Francois Lyotard,1924~  )

  柯(Michel Foucault,1926~1984

德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze,

波德勒(Jean Baudrillard,






相對論:愛因斯坦(A. Einstein


邏輯實證論(Logical Positivism):英、美,建立邏輯系統,表達清晰概念。反對超驗性。





21st C.E. 


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by 魏連嶽